Read more about the status of the Interstate Dental and Dental Hygiene Licensure Compact, including quick links to media and related publications.
Featured Story

Survey Shows Public Supports Hand Skills
A nationwide survey reveals American patients have strong opinions about dental licensure.

A Closer Look at Competing Compacts
Understanding the differences between the AADB and CSG/DDH Compacts.

Opinion: A Tale of Two Compacts
Dental Hygiene concerns addressed in editorial response to recent article.

Why NC Board Chooses AADB
Read the position paper that explains why the AADB Compact is preferred.

Ohio House Hears Testimony
Testimony delivered in Columbus highlights aspects of public protection.

Louisiana Board Endorses IDDHLC
AADB wins support of state, participation cited as major factor.

Webinar features Dental Hygienists’ Perspectives
Representation and public safety issues were brought to the forefront.

Oklahoma Board Endorses Compact
Sooner state board members endorsed the draft legislation for a dental and dental hygiene compact written by the AADB.

AADB Announces Compact to Full Membership
Compact aims to address licensure portability, maintain public protection.

AADB Drafts Portability Compact
Compact will address shortcomings of proposed legislation, written by dental boards.